Basics Of Node.js Modules
In this article, we will be learning the basics of Node.js Modules. There are several questions when talking about Node.js Modules: Why should we know about the Node.js Modules? What are Node.js Modules? Where are Node.js Modules used? Let’s discuss this from the beginning. Nowadays, most of the web developers are working with new technologies like Angular, React, and Vuejs as frontend and Express.Js, Meteor web framework, or SharePoint Framework in JavaScript. But every developer faces issues to understand the pattern of writing the code, or we can say, the ecosystem used in the packages\libraries. If each developer is aware of the NodeJS Modules, it will be helpful in understanding the ecosystem they are working in. As we know, Node.js is a platform that provides an environment to execute JavaScript outside of the web browsers; when we execute JavaScript in Node.js, it will change the scope of the JavaScript. In web browsers, the top-level scope is a global scope....